Clyde-wide Green Network

The Green Network will connect adjoining communities with key destinations, environmental assets and the wider countryside. It will underpin regeneration proposals and provide a range of recreational opportunities for all communities. The network will become an integral part of Clyde Waterfront’s appeal, encouraging leisure activity and connecting visitor destinations. The network will enhance habitat networks.

  • Overview of the Green Network area
  • E133 Kelvin Valley Park MI1.jpg
  • Artist's impression of Festival Quay's green space

Our vision for the future of the Green Network along the Clyde Waterfront will guide future policy development and investment. The key objectives are to:

1. Create Connections
2. Maximise Recreational Opportunities
3. Assist Regeneration
4. Enhance habitats
5. Encourage multi-functional space
6. Focus on Key Projects

Lead Partner: Glasgow and Clyde Valley Green Network Partnership

Other Partners: Clyde Waterfront and all its partners, Glasgow and Clyde Valley Structure Plan Team, Scottish Natural Heritage, Forestry Commission Scotland

Project Team: Land Use Consultants

Project History
Click an image to enlarge

  • C8 CWGreenNetworkStrategy ET1.jpg
  • C8 CWGreenNetworkStrategy ET2.jpg
  • C8 CWGreenNetworkStrategy ET3.jpg
  • Aerial view of the New Gorbals riverside area
  • Artist's impression of Rashielee Quay showing its potential
  • Enjoying a walk at The Saltings
  • Aerial view of Levengrove Park
  • Artist's impression of Festival Quay's green space
  • Aerial view of Boden Boo on the south bank
  • Aerial view of the Richmond Park on the south of the river




The Clyde Waterfront Green Network Strategy has been prepared by Clyde Waterfront in partnership with the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Green Network Partnership (GCVGNP).

The purpose of the study has been to explore and assess the nature, scope and scale of Green Network opportunities that exist across the Waterfront project area and identify strategic projects to maximise the contribution of this area to the Green Network.

The Green Network Strategy provides the detail on how this vision can be realised along the length of the Clyde Waterfront area.

The strategy introduces a number of Green Network Projects - important steps in developing the network.

The network will become an integral part of Clyde Waterfront's appeal, encouraging leisure activity and connecting visitor destinations. The network will enhance habitat networks.

One of the central concepts for the Green Network is the idea that spaces can and should provide multiple functions. So rather than creating formal public parks the projects focus on the importance of creating more multi-functional, flexible greenspaces. This strategy actively encourages projects which collectively combine recreation, biodiversity, flooding and landscaping functions.

Two of the projects - Bowling Harbour /The Saltings Local Nature Reserve and Levengrove Park - form part of the Strathleven Corridor Green Network, located to the west.


Current status:


Report complete