Graham Rogers

Head of Finance and Co-General Manager, Morgan Stanley, Glasgow

IFSDG:  How long have you worked in Morgan Stanley?

Graham:  I have worked for Morgan Stanley for almost 12 years; I re-located from London to Glasgow in 2008.

IFSDG:  How many people work at Morgan Stanley?

Graham:  Morgan Stanley employs approximately 55,000 people globally, operating in 43 countries. The Glasgow Office has in excess of 1,300 employees working in Operations, Finance, Technology and Data, Fund Services, Audit, Corporate Services and Human Resources and has been present in the city since 2000 - we will be celebrating our 15 year anniversary this year.

IFSDG:  What is the vision for Morgan Stanley in Glasgow?

Graham:  To continue to add value to the businesses we support from Glasgow, whilst offering challenging and varied career opportunities to our staff.

IFSDG:  What's a typical day for you?

Graham:  It is a well-used cliché, but each and every day presents a different type of challenge partly due to the dynamic nature of the business and partly due to the ever-changing environment that the Financial Services sector operates within. I am usually in the office at 7am which is partly due to the legacy of global roles that I have previously occupied and partly due to my long commute - I am not at my best when sitting in traffic. The early start allows me to think and plan ahead - typically calendars get booked between 9am and 6pm so this is a valuable part of the day for me. As Head of Finance for Glasgow and Co-General Manager of the Glasgow office, I will meet with regional and global stakeholders as well as local management to discuss performance, risk and strategy for the Finance team as well as the wider Glasgow office.

I also represent Morgan Stanley on various external bodies - I am a member of the Advisory Board for Career Ready (previously Career Academies) Scotland. The Firm also actively encourages its staff to pursue opportunities to give back to the local community and to that end I am currently working with an organisation called Pilotlight (alongside other Financial Services professionals) on a project to provide support for a charity in the Glasgow area. I am also sponsor of our Glasgow Charity Committee which works hard to provide volunteering and fundraising opportunities for staff at a range of local charities and organisations.   

IFSDG:  Why did Morgan Stanley choose to locate in the IFSD in Glasgow?

Graham:  The decision was and continues to be based on the availability of highly qualified, talented and energised people in the Scottish workforce. Availability of an ongoing talent pool is fundamental to our success and we have worked to build a strong partnership with local universities and accounting bodies. Glasgow also sits in an advantageous time zone to support a global business operating out of Asia, EMEA and North America, benefiting from good transport links with London and the rest of the world. In addition, IFSD have helped to build a strong support framework that benefits individual businesses and the city as a whole.

IFSDG:  Three good things about working in Glasgow?

Graham:  The people are friendly, the city is very accessible with a wide selection of facilities on your doorstep, and the quality of life with some of the most stunning scenery the UK has to offer only a short hop in any direction.

IFSDG:  What is your biggest business achievement to date?

Graham:  Helping to build the footprint that is Morgan Stanley Glasgow and now having the opportunity to act as a leadership "steward" for the next phase of its growth and development.   

IFSDG:  What is the best investment you ever made?

Graham:  Financial Services is very much a people driven industry, so I would have to say the time invested in mentoring and nurturing individual talent as well as broadening my own personal networks throughout Scotland through various external organisations

IFSDG:  Which businessperson or company do you most admire and why?

Graham:  I admire individuals who are passionate about their brand, inspire people to give of their best but can still dedicate time and resource to good causes. This would include individuals such as Steve Jobs, Richard Branson. Closer to home, I would also nominate Ruth Porat the ex-CFO of Morgan Stanley

IFSDG:  What did you want to be when you were a child?

Graham:  Sports journalist

IFSDG:  What do you do to relax away from the office?

Graham:  I like to relax with family and friends. I also have a keen interest in sport and still manage to actively enjoy cycling and golf - I am never too far away from the next fundraising challenge!

IFSDG:  Blackberry or I-Phone?

Graham:  Blackberry for work, I-Phone for personal

IFSDG:  Suit or no suit?

Graham:  Suit

IFSDG:  Football or rugby?

Graham:  Both. I am probably more inclined towards rugby since arriving in Scotland, having left my football loyalties south of the border.

IFSDG:  Wine or beer?

Graham:  Wine

IFSDG:  Sunshine or snow?

Graham:  Snow

IFSDG:  and finally, what three words sum you up?

Graham:  Hardworking, approachable, positive

  • Graham Rogers