Fraser Wilson

Partner, PwC

IFSDG:  How long have you worked in PwC?

Fraser:  14 years and counting! I joined PwC straight from Strathclyde University on a 3 year training contract, and my initial plan was to leave once I'd gained my CA. I quickly decided against this after learning about the variety of opportunities and challenges that I could access - not just here in the UK, but across our global network.

IFSDG:  How many people work at PwC?

Fraser:  We have more than 800 people based across the three Scottish offices, with over 300 in Glasgow. We can also tap into around 180,000 technical and industry specialists across our global network.

IFSDG:  What is the vision for PwC in Glasgow?

Fraser:  In recent years, our focus on our clients and our people hasn't wavered, nor has our aim of setting the standard and leading the debate on issues such as employability, economic growth and trust among our peers. This approach has helped us build a solid platform from which to grow a diverse, responsible, and profitable business. In Glasgow, as with the rest of our UK firm, a key focus has been on investing in our team, ensuring we have the right skills and depth of expertise across the markets our clients operate in. Ongoing growth in financial services within the city also creates further opportunity for us.

IFSDG:  What's a typical day for you?

Fraser:  Every day is different at PwC, which is a huge part of what I enjoy.  I am usually at work by 8am with a combination of client meetings, spending time with my teams, reviewing work and staying on top of the inbox throughout the day.  Whenever possible, I will be out before 6pm so I can spend time with my family.

IFSDG:  Why did PwC choose to locate in the IFSD in Glasgow?

Fraser:  PwC has a long history in Glasgow. Our move to the IFSD in 2009 was based on the City's investment in the quality of the infrastructure. Being in the IFSD allows us to operate close to our client base, with continued access to the local supply of talent that is vital to our success.

IFSDG:  Three good things about working in Glasgow?

Fraser:  The people and the lifestyle and opportunities the city offers.

IFSDG:  What is your biggest business achievement to date?

Fraser:  Professionally, being promoted to Partner within PwC in July this year. This is a position I have aspired to for a number of years.  Personally, it has to be fatherhood, which has changed me more than I realised was possible!

IFSDG:  What is the best investment you ever made?

Fraser:  Focusing on my career when I was younger.  The personal sacrifices made by studying, working hard and travelling, has brought me fantastic opportunities both personally and professionally.  I feel fortunate to work with some incredible people across a great client base, which makes every day interesting and challenging.

IFSDG:  Which businessperson or company do you most admire and why?

Fraser:  Sir Richard Branson - professionally, he's made many significant achievements, overcoming many challenges along the way, particularly given a humble beginning. He also has a great zest for life and that comes across in his many adventures.

IFSDG:  What did you want to be when you were a child?

Fraser:  I changed my mind a lot. My parents will tell you I was destined to be an accountant.

IFSDG:  What do you do to relax away from the office?

Fraser:  Time with friends and family is really important to balance work.  Family life is dominated by my two year old, Holly, who is wise beyond her years - she keeps me right! When I am not entertaining Holly, I love to cook and am a keen sports enthusiast, although this is increasingly of the armchair nature since we had Holly. I do enjoy getting out and putting the miles in on my bike when the weather is good. 

IFSDG:  Blackberry or I-Phone?

Fraser:  I-Phone

IFSDG:  Suit or no suit?

Fraser:  Suit

IFSDG:  Football or rugby?

Fraser:  Football

IFSDG:  Wine or beer?

Fraser:  Both

IFSDG:  Sunshine or snow?

Fraser:  Sunshine (although not too much - like many Scots, I have a tendency to burn!)

IFSDG:  And finally, what three words sum you up?

Fraser:  Integrity, Agility and Loyalty 

  • Fraser Wilson, PwC Partner