Andy Macfarlane

Regional Manager, Scotland, ACE European Group

IFSDG:  How long have you worked in your current company?

Andy:  I joined ACE in March 2010, so I've just celebrated 5 years here.

IFSDG:  How many people work at your current company?

Andy:  We have around 250 people here in our office in Glasgow. ACE globally employs around 21,000 people serving a diverse group of customers worldwide. 

IFSDG:  What is the vision for your company in Glasgow?

Andy:  I took over as Regional Manager for Scotland in May 2012 and set out at that time my vision to create an environment where good people want to work. I felt achieving that would help all of our business objectives to be met. I'm pleased to say that we've enjoyed a great couple of years, with the same solid team intact, so clearly we're doing something right.

IFSDG:  What's a typical day for you?

Andy:  Mix of internal and external meetings, maybe the odd coffee or lunch offsite if I'm lucky, and hopefully not too late a finish.  

IFSDG:  Why did your company choose to locate in the IFSD in Glasgow?

Andy:  Our Broomielaw office serves not just our customers here in Glasgow and Scotland, but throughout the UK and Europe. We have a number of key pan-European business functions controlled from here, including a claims operation of over 100 people, and the talent pool in and around Glasgow, along with the availability of great office space, ultimately made it an easy choice.

IFSDG:  What is your biggest business achievement to date?

Andy:  Opening our office in Aberdeen in 2012, becoming the first insurance company with a permanent presence in the city at that time. Our competition told us it would never work. They were wrong.

IFSDG:  What is the best investment you ever made?

Andy:  This actually makes me think about the best investment I never made. A friend of mine was setting up his own business 12 years ago, he was desperately short of funds and asked me for £5,000, in return he'd give me 5% of the business.  He wasn't the most trustworthy, so I said no. In 2012, he sold the business for £33m. Doh! 

IFSDG:  Which businessperson or company do you most admire and why?

Andy:  I've always admired Henry Ford, and his ability to make the complex simple. He also had a foresight and a vision unrivalled by most. In more modern times, I've also got a lot of time for Richard Branson, I don't necessarily agree with all that he does but I like the way he's not afraid to challenge convention, and to do so in his own style. I like that a lot. 

IFSDG:  What did you want to be when you were a child?

Andy:  I wanted to be an adult so I could do things that I wasn't allowed to do. Then when I became an adult I wanted to be a child again. On the upside, I do often get told I've achieved what I wanted.   

IFSDG:  What do you do to relax away from the office?

Andy:  I love music, all sorts. Plus anything that makes me laugh. I enjoy the outdoors, so a lot of time is spent with my kids doing stuff outside. But when you factor in that my kids are, generally speaking, wired to the moon, that doesn't really come into the relaxation description. 

IFSDG:  Blackberry or I-Phone?

Andy:  Neither. Had Blackberry. Moved to i-Phone. Now want an Apple Watch.

IFSDG:  Suit or no suit?

Andy:  Suit, but definitely no tie. Or jeans and a shirt.

IFSDG:  Football or rugby?

Andy:  I'm from Glasgow. Football every time.

IFSDG:  Wine or beer?

Andy:  I'm from Glasgow. Both. Plus a nice malt to finish things off.

IFSDG:  Sunshine or snow?

Andy:  More and more people now seem to go ski-ing. I tried it once and kept falling over. That annoyed me. Sunshine, a cold beer and some nice tunes please. 

IFSDG:  and finally, what three words sum you up?

Andy:  Dogged. Dissident. Mischievous.

  • Andy Macfarlane