Alan McEwan

Regional Managing Director, Towergate Partnership

IFSDG: How long have you worked at Towergate Partnership?

Alan McEwan:Since we acquired my previous company, Warren Hill, in 2003.

IFSDG: How many people work at Towergate Partnership?

Alan McEwan: 100 in Glasgow, 250 across my region (Scotland and the North East) and over 4,000 across our 100+ UK offices.

IFSDG: What is your vision for Towergate Partnership in Glasgow?

Alan McEwan: To capitalise on our position as Europe's largest independently owned intermediary by establishing Towergate as a major force and the broker of choice in the Scottish market.

IFSDG: What's a typical day for you?

Alan McEwan: Balancing emails, reports and meetings with making sure I am always talking to my team. Towergate has a fast paced and high performance culture so the leadership and direction has to be clearly visible.

IFSDG: How many emails do you receive on an average day?

Alan McEwan: Probably around 100 but net of junk about 30 to 40 a day that I need to read.

IFSDG: Why did Towergate Partnership choose to locate in central Glasgow?

Alan McEwan: The businesses we acquired over the past couple of years were dotted around the city so it was vital that we took the opportunity to consolidate in the heart of the marketplace and the IFSD was the number one box on my tick list. It's where I started my career and I still believe Glasgow is a vibrant insurance centre that will benefit from a strong Towergate presence.

IFSDG: Three good things about working in Glasgow?

Alan McEwan: The wine, the women and the songs.

IFSDG: What is your biggest business achievement to date?

Alan McEwan: I've had a few satisfying moments (and a few scary ones), but growing both the size and profitability of our business in spite of the current recession is hugely challenging and equally satisfying. We can only do that by recruiting and developing the best people, focusing on the changing needs of our clients and delivering exceptional service.

IFSDG: What is the best investment you ever made?

Alan McEwan: I can tell you my worst - never buy a 4x4 in a boom then sell it in a recession.

IFSDG: Which business person or company do you most admire and why?

Alan McEwan: Obviously Towergate's founder and chairman, Peter Cullum! I also admire the style and values of Richard Branson.

IFSDG: What did you want to be when you were a child?

Alan McEwan: A footballer, then a rock star, then when I needed to actually earn a living, an insurance broker.

IFSDG: What do you do to relax away from the office?

Alan McEwan: With two boys of 7 and 3 I don't get to relax but the weekends are certainly entertaining.

IFSDG: Blackberry or I-Phone?

Alan McEwan: Blackberry - iphones are for teenagers.

IFSDG: Suit or no suit?

Alan McEwan: Suit mostly, but the tie comes off most days.

IFSDG: Football or rugby?

Alan McEwan: Definitely football - not posh enough for rugby.

IFSDG: Wine or beer?

Alan McEwan: Red wine, rosé in the sun and beer if the boys are reading this.

IFSDG: Sunshine or snow?

Alan McEwan: Sunshine.

IFSDG: And finally, what three words to sum you up

Alan McEwan: Positive, pragmatic and professional

  • Alan McEwan