Ashurst Creates Opportunities in Glasgow

In June, Ashurst announced it would become the first international law firm to establish a legal and business support services office in Glasgow.

Under the leadership of Mike Polson, the office, which opened on 27 August, will provide significant opportunities to a range of professionals, including legal, IT, communications & marketing, finance, HR and risk & compliance specialists..

Mike Polson said, "Ashurst has bold aspirations for the office and I am thoroughly looking forward to ensuring that we deliver on our goals of excellence and innovation together. I am delighted that all of Ashurst's business support teams will have a presence in Glasgow and will become an integral part of our new office. This is without doubt a tremendously exciting opportunity for ambitious and talented individuals who have a real focus on developing their careers and making a meaningful and valuable contribution to our new office in Glasgow. That opportunity, combined with Ashurst's very special culture, is why I took on this role".

Ashurst's commitment to Scotland will provide career opportunities for talented people to join a premier global law firm. More information can be found at
