Learners will create, write and present a performance based on
history of shipbuilding using music, dance and dialogue to convey
the rise and fall of shipbuilding in the Clyde and explore the
current shipyards. There is also an opportunity to use
photo images if the technology is available. The concept is to use
imagery emotively to tell the story of shipbuilding.
Learners will research shipbuilding, shipyards, shipyard workers,
strikes and the eventual decline of the shipyards. They will
explore a variety of expressive media to convey these images to the
audience; for example percussion for the hammering and clanging of
the tools in the yard, dance for the movement of the cranes, drama
to re enact shipyard scenes and photographs accompanied by music to
enhance the story. Learners will perform this to invited guests,
parents, schoolmates and staff.
Broad Outcomes of learning
• Learners will have gained knowledge and understanding of Clyde
shipbuilding and its cultural and financial significance for the
communities on the Clyde
• Learners have worked in teams to research and develop ideas and
together, place these ideas in the context of a performance.
Learners will develop audience awareness
• Learners have had an opportunity to develop employability skills
including communication, research, planning, organisation,
presenting, co-operating and reporting
• Confidence of working independently has been developed through
learners taking responsibility for areas of research and through
appropriate participation in improvisation tasks
• Learners will have demonstrated responsibility for their own
learning by engaging in research tasks, bringing findings to the
group, improvising using the research findings and reporting back
to the class
• Learners have developed enterprising skills identified as 4
capacities of CfE
Relevance to curriculum
• Supports 5-14 Expressive Arts and Language
• This topic is relevant to aspects of the above curricula in the
real context of using words, movement and music to highlight real
issues in a real context