Lead Partner: Walker Group (Scotland) Ltd.
Other Partners: ISFD
Project Team: Architect: Keppie Architects; Engineer: URS Corporation.
Project HistoryClick an image to enlarge
Glasgow City Centre, IFSD
200 Broomielaw, offers 7,382m² (79,460ft²) of Grade A quality office space, arranged over nine floors with 31 car parking spaces.
Inside, the development enjoys light, air and space. Outside, a monumental sandstone tower encased in a sweep of curtained glass wall mirrors the sweep of the river. The building is accessed from its river frontage via a magnificent atrium that rises seven storeys.
Entry is controlled from a security desk within the reception area and the building will be connected to the city centre CCTV system.
Current status:
The building is complete and occupied by ACE INA UK Ltd and Atkins
£30 million