Mark Mulholland

Partner, Wylie and Bisset

Looking forward, the biggest changes to our organisation in the post Covid era will be ... adapting to flexible hybrid working. The key to this is effective communication and support within your teams. For our trainees it has been difficult in terms of lack of face-to-face interaction; however, with the easing of restrictions, they have been able to meet up and learn with their colleagues. The pandemic has accelerated the move to digital accounting in the cloud, by as much as five to ten years. Over the next year or so, clients will complete their move on to digital accounting platforms, automating many of the routine tasks. This will allow us to focus more on adding value to our client's business, advising them on how they can use their business data, both internal and external, to operate their business more effectively and increase both cash flow and profits.

The future vision for our organisation in Glasgow is ... to be the market leader in our field, providing timely, trusted business advice and support to our clients, both current and future. We want to be at the leading edge of developments in our field, setting trends and not following them. We recognise our staff are critical to our business, and recently developed a path to partnership programme, reaching out to our staff, allowing them to nominate themselves for consideration. Training and support are vital to staff and working closely with professional bodies, we are looking at adapting our training, processes, and procedures to align them with the highest possible standards.

The three best things about working in Glasgow are ... firstly the people; after all, they make Glasgow. Next would be the choice of entertainment; the Hydro draws in the world's best performers. I also love the Barrowland and even the Pavilion, Glasgow's own theatre. I once saw somebody get up mid-performance and come back with a fish supper! It's that kind of place. Finally, there is the City of Glasgow itself, it continues to reinvent itself, from the decline of heavy industry in the 1960s and 70s, to a world leading destination for events and one of the top financial centres in Europe.

My favourite part of Glasgow is ... firstly, the Western Baths, a place of relaxation and serenity where you can go, unwind and have a bit of banter with strangers who become friends.  Secondly, it's the Waverley. I make a point of going on the steamer a few times per year, leaving the city and ending up with the best views on the planet.

The most satisfying thing about my job is ... spending most of my time in client meetings, speaking about their plans and dreams for the future. The best bit about my job is helping them achieve them. I recently helped a client sell his business for several million pounds, allowing him to retire and spend a lot more time with his grandchildren.

Financial services is a great career choice because .... it can open the door to just about anything. I know of so many people who have trained in financial services who have moved on to food and drink, leisure and travel, manufacturing and even one who ended up as chief executive of a large publishing empire. It's a great career choice.

The biggest challenge I have faced in my career to date was  ... a few months ago, when I moved to Wylie and Bisset, having been at another firm for over 25 years. I was not too nervous about the move but was keen to get on with helping staff and clients.  The support offered was second to none, both before and after the move. I have been able to use my experience to work with a new range of clients, offering support and help. I have also looked at internal procedures, augmenting and tweaking them. We are lucky to have an in-house IT and HR team, so there is lots of help. So far, so good...

The businessperson I most admire  ... has to be Willie Haughey, and I am not even a Celtic fan.  He is a local who has not forgotten his roots and has done so much for the people of Glasgow through his charity work. A lot of it just happens without much publicity, but he is a remarkably successful businessperson who likes to give back to those less fortunate in his home city.

Outside of work, I am passionate about ... collecting Lego, as an investment, I see this as a kind of pension (I also have a standard pension) and a bit of a hobby. I am treasurer of a charity in the east end of Glasgow helping provide support to struggling families. I like to give something back. Finally, I really enjoy spending time with my 18-month-old granddaughter; simple things like going to the park, soft play or even just the shops.

My approach to achieving work life balance is ... have a quiet place that you can sneak off to and get some relaxation time... my place is the Western Baths.

First ever job? Working as a fish fryer

Favourite boxset? Don't really have one

Favourite band? Runrig, Scotland's house band

Sunshine or snow? Snow

And, finally, what three words best sum you up? Trusted, Supportive, Family

  • Mark Mulholland