Translating menus for restaurants

The project will develop a knowledge and understanding about food and drink both locally and internationally. It will give the learners an insight into where our food comes from and the various methods of cooking and serving food. The learners will work in groups and use their language and ICT skills to translate and design menus from Glasgow restaurants into the foreign language.

Broad Outcomes of learning

  • Subject knowledge gained and enhanced in context of a real situation
  • ICT skills developed through research on the internet and designing a menu
  • Enterprising skills and attitudes developed (CfE) through working on problems in a team and evaluating individual and team work as they progress
  • Develop their knowledge about foodstuffs and encourage a healthier lifestyle
  • Employability skills enhanced - application of knowledge in a real situation. Learners to contact and visit restaurants and hotels in Glasgow to ask for permission to translate menus and if possible be given a cookery demonstration.
  • Confidence of working independently and in groups from teacher-led lessons improved
  • Learners take responsibility for their learning through making decisions and constantly evaluating and reviewing the project
  • Language, social and enterprising skills used in a real life situation

Relevance to curriculum

  • Develops language, translation and dictionary skills both in the foreign language and English
  • Cross curricular
  • Relevant to the four key factors of CfE
  • Relevance of seeing a project being used in the real world
  • Develops knowledge and understanding of other cultures, the way other people live, eat and the currency used in these countries

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