The first series of lessons sought to investigate Glasgow's
links with the Slave Trade. This second series of lessons examines
how Glasgow's geographical location and the waterway of the River
Clyde served to promote the generation of levels of wealth which
were re-invested in both economic and social projects which
benefited the development of Glasgow both at the time and
subsequently. Large-scale investment of the type identified in the
historical context of 18th Century Glasgow mirrors the massive
regeneration projects undertaken during the late 20th and early
21st centuries centring upon the Merchant City and the Clyde
This second series of lessons provides both a historical
perspective on the creation of the area populated by Glasgow's
merchant class and a modern perspective on the regeneration of the
Merchant City undertaken by both the private and public sectors
over recent years. It serves to illustrate in a tangible,
experiential way the enterprise and dynamism engendered by planned
interaction between private developers and local and national
government as well as European Agency funding. The contribution of
these to employment and wealth creation as well as environmental
and social improvement will also be considered.
This will be developed in an arts and craft project on the creation
of the Merchant City in Glasgow which has been the focus of
substantial urban regeneration and redevelopment over recent years.
This could take the form of a model of the original Merchant City
showing the development of the area during the 18th Century under
the aegis of Tobacco merchants such as Buchanan and Glassford and
of modern regeneration under the private and public
Broad Outcomes of learning
- Subject knowledge gained and enhanced
- Enhanced feelings of citizenship through consideration, in a
practical, experiential way, of the aesthetic, social and
environmental benefits of urban development and regeneration
- Employability skills enhanced - application of knowledge in a
real situation, attitude and opportunities for employment
- Learners took responsibility for their own learning through
independent research and by contact with outside agencies
responsible for urban regeneration in Glasgow and on the Clyde
- Enterprising skills and attitudes developed (ACfE) through
working as a team.
- Learners evaluated individual and team work as they progressed
through self- and peer- assessment (AifL)
- Confidence of working and learning to be independent and
presenting completed work to adult audience
Relevance to curriculum
- Learners investigate in a practical, experiential fashion key
themes of enterprise, urban regeneration, employment, wealth
creation, social and environmental improvement, investment
strategies and heritage thereby covering a series of cross
curricular and cross-cutting themes