Flood risk & prevention

After an introduction using case studies of actual flood events in Clyde valley (e.g.Glasgow/Ferguslie-1994, Shettleston-2002) learners can investigate areas of flood risk within Clyde basin, and possible prevention measures (e.g.: raising levels of land before building new houses, bunds). Involvement or talks by agencies such as SEPA, Scottish Water, Fire, or Police services may be possible. A simulated emergency planning exercise can also be included. Topic can be developed into an examination of flood problems generally on a national (e.g.: Perth-1993, Severn 2007) or world-scale, looking at the hydrology of rivers, the impact which factors such as 'deforestation' or increasingly 'built-up landscapes' have on flood risk.  Flooding due to hurricanes or other weather events, and finally, the local or worldwide impact of global warming on rising sea levels.

Broad Outcomes of learning

  • Subject knowledge and understanding
  • Deeper understanding of key features of global warming and the implications to the local community
  • Gained knowledge of emergency planning exercise and how to put into action
  • Enterprising skills and attitudes developed (ACfE) through problem solving
  • Employability skills enhanced - working with a team in a 'real' situation
  • Increased self-confidence of working independently of teacher-led lessons
  • Pupils learn through working in groups

Relevance to curriculum

  • Supports Curriculum for Excellence

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