Homes for the Future

Young people will investigate climate change in order to recognise the importance of building new homes with consideration for environmental impact. Learners will engage with local property developers and architects to research methods of building which are environmentally sound. Young people will form architecture companies and design a home using solar energy/environmentally friendly materials.

Broad Outcomes of learning
• Subject knowledge enhanced and gained: climate change, recycling/solar energy; knowledge of how property developers are trying to incorporate environmentally sound practices into building; recognition that homes of the future must take account of environmental factors
• Learners have developed 4 capacities of CfE
Relevance to curriculum
• Supports CfE Science
• Relevance of the environmental impact of new homes and how this can be lessened through responsible and considerate use of resources

Young people will investigate climate change in order to recognise the importance of building new homes with consideration for environmental impact. Learners will engage with local property developers and architects to research methods of building which are environmentally sound. Young people will form architecture companies and design a home using solar energy/environmentally friendly materials.

Broad Outcomes of learning

  • Subject knowledge enhanced and gained: climate change, recycling/solar energy; knowledge of how property developers are trying to incorporate environmentally sound practices into building; recognition that homes of the future must take account of environmental factors
  • Learners have developed 4 capacities of CfE

Relevance to curriculum

  • Supports CfE Science
  • Relevance of the environmental impact of new homes and how this can be lessened through responsible and considerate use of resources


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