Senior citizen concert

This project idea will develop a knowledge and understanding of the process involved in performing, planning and organising a whole school event. Learners will work together with other subject areas and the local community to ensure the smooth running of this event. Learners will make decisions about the musical repertoire, content of the concert, historic content covered at the event, display including photographs and programme design.

Broad Outcomes of learning

• Subject knowledge gained and enhanced through researching the history of the Clydeside and preparing and performing various items for a concert 
• Enterprising skills enhanced - application of knowledge in a real situation by project managing a whole school event 
• Pupils take responsibility for their learning through making decisions about the musical repertoire and content of the concert, historic content covered at the event, display including photographs, programme design 
• Learners have developed enterprising skills identified as 4 capacities of CfE

Relevance to curriculum

• performing skills developed in class or through extra-curricular activities for musical repertoire at the event 
• knowledge developed in Social Subjects relating to History of the Clydeside 
• drawing and design skills used in Art to create displays/programmes/posters 
• language and solo talk skills from English to use in readings at event

Download this lesson/project idea
Also on this theme...
  • Clyde community support materials
  • Get ADOBE Reader