This lesson/project idea will develop a knowledge and understanding
of slavery by applying this knowledge in a real life context. Young
people will work in teams with the task of creating an art
installation based on the theme of the slave trade and connections
to Glasgow. Pupils will learn about printmaking and will have to
use this technique to create the installation.
Broad Outcomes of learning
• Subject knowledge gained and enhanced e.g. researching Glasgow's
involvement in the slave trade
• Enterprising skills improved by developing creativity and
confidence; increasing motivation to learning; taking
responsibility and making decisions; consideration of others
through group work and discussion; raising achievement and
fostering ambition
• Developed employability skills: Communication, planning,
organisation, time management, researching, co-operating,
contributing, sourcing, negotiating, analysing, reporting and
• Confidence of working independently from teacher-led lessons
demonstrated by researching the slave trade independently on the
internet, organising completion of the task
• Pupils take responsibility for their learning through making
decisions about the form the installation will take in
• Pupils have developed 4 capacities of CfE
Relevance to curriculum
• Supports 5-14 Art and Design
• Cross curricular links could be developed with History department
(see lesson plan on the Atlantic slave trade)
• Issues of racism and citizenship are considered