This lesson/project idea will develop a knowledge and understanding
of structures, applying this knowledge in a real life context.
Young people will compete in teams (as architect companies) to win
a contract to design a new tower within a given timescale and
restrained by budget and available materials.
Broad Outcomes of learning
• Subject knowledge of structures gained and enhanced
• Employability skills enhanced - application of knowledge in a
real situation by considering the volume and cost of materials
required to enable a cost effective solution
• Enterprising skills: communication, time management, analysing,
negotiating, co-operating, contributing and problem
• Confidence of working independently from teacher-led lessons
demonstrated by group lead designs and decision making
• Pupils take responsibility for their learning through making
decisions about materials, risk assessment, structures
• Learners have developed enterprising skills identified as 4
capacities of CfE
Relevance to curriculum
• Supports CfE Technology
• Relevance of how curriculum topic on structures is relevant to
work and life and how this subject knowledge is put into practice
in a real situation