Design a crash safety suit

This project idea will develop knowledge and understanding of structures, properties of materials, design issues, then apply this knowledge to solve a real design problem. Young people will work in pairs or small teams with the task of designing a safety suit to protect an egg from damage when dropped from a height of 2 meters which will replicate a real life situation of looking at safety equipment, structures and protective materials used to protect those around the Clyde - such as hard hats, safety helmets, flooring in playgrounds, scaffolding. They will take part in a challenge event.

Broad Outcomes of learning

• Subject knowledge of structures and materials gained and enhanced 
• Employability skills enhanced - application of knowledge in a real situation by developing a lightweight safety suit which prevents breakage. 
• Enterprising skills such as communication, negotiating, co-operating, contributing, problem solving and risk assessment 
• Confidence of working independently from teacher-led lessons demonstrated by ability to develop solution within team with no teacher input. 
• Pupils take responsibility for their learning through making decisions about what materials they use and how they structure the suit 
• Learners have developed enterprising skills identified as 4 capacities of CfE

Relevance to curriculum

• Supports CfE Technology 
• Curriculum topic on structures and materials is relevant to work and life 
• Learners can select and use materials justifying choice. They can use material/structure knowledge to aid the success of their design

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