Ever since the Stone Ages, the banks of the River Clyde have seen fishing and religious settlements grow and develop.
St. Kentigern, also known as St. Mungo, settled in Glasgow in
the sixth century and the city traces its origins back to this
time. Traditionally, he helped to start the Christian church in
By the twelfth and thirteenth centuries Glasgow was an
established baronetcy and religious centre. With the founding of
the University of Glasgow at the end of the fifteenth
century, the city grew in religious
importance, second only to St Andrews. After the
Reformation, with the removal of the Roman Catholic Church's
authority, Glasgow's importance as a centre for International
trade began to take the place of the church.
Govan and Doomster Hill
Near to Glasgow was an even greater centre for religion. In
ancient times Govan was the ritual gathering place of the
Strathclyde kingdom. Their fortress at Dumbarton gave a natural
authority to the area. The focal point of Doomster Hill, no longer
in existence, is believed to have been a gathering place or burial
Govan Old
Parish Church is the place to visit if you are interested in
the Christian history of the area. This was the leading
religious centre of the area since the early ninth century, if not
well before that. The current building is a Victorian church but
housed inside you'll find a collection of about 31 early
Christian stones. These are a mix of Cumbrian, British, Scottish,
Pictish, Irish, Saxon and Scandinavian art, demonstrating the
wide-ranging influence of this religious centre.
The stones at Govan Old include the Govan Sarcophagus,
which is believed to be St. Constantine's own coffin. After King
David changed the saint patronage to St. Kentigern in Glasgow
during the twelfth century, Govan's centrality began to wane.
Recently, there have been efforts to restore the area to its former
significance. Current regeneration activity focuses
on Govan
Cross, the vibrant heart of the Govan community through
its history.
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